In-School Youth Programs
Independent Living Program
An eight week instructional class focusing on life skills, post –secondary education , employment and self-sufficiency. This collaborative program between CRD and the Department of Human Services is designed to assist foster youth transition to independence.
Quest 4 Success
Quest 4 Success is a program that offers eligible 11th and 12th grade Kern High School District continuation school students an opportunity to receive paid work experience. Students are required to attend before-school or after-school pre-employment classes, depending on the school (as well as a mandatory orientation and 2 mandatory Before You Work Workshops) taught by a credentialed instructor where they can receive elective high school credits. Students are monitored for school attendance, GPA, and discipline throughout the school year. Incentives and paid work experience/project-based learning courses are available to eligible Quest 4 Success students to provide motivation to be successful in high school and graduate.
Out Of School Youth Programs
Re-entry Education Attainment Program
Recognized by US Department of Labor and the National Youth Employment Coalition with a 2002 PEPNet award, REAP is designed to give high school drop-out youth age 18 to 24 the opportunity to earn a high school diploma or GED, learn employability skills through vocational training and paid work experience, and improve self-esteem. Staff motivates, encourages, and assists REAP clients in the re-enrollment process that eventually leads to self-sufficiency. Participants are monitored for school attendance and progress throughout the year and are provided with life/soft skills, career exploration, incentive stipends, and supportive services to help motivate them to stay in school and graduate.
Kern Works!
Kern Works! is designed to provide high school graduates and non-graduates ages 18-24 with the skills needed to become self-sufficient. We target youth who are high school drop-outs, emancipated foster youth, pregnant or parenting youth, and/or have graduated and need vocational training along with additional assistance. Our program consists of vocational training and paid work experience in the youth’s area of interest, while enrolled into the program youth have the opportunity to earn incentives. Youth will have the opportunity to obtain industry recognized certificate(s), completion of an Occupational Skills Training program, completion of work experience, work readiness training, and attainment of credentials such as high school diploma or equivalent and completion of post-secondary education. All program offerings are contingent on funding.
Adult Programs
Paid Work Experience
For Adults 18 years and Older
The Career Resource Department operates 2 work experience programs. Work experience is for participants who have completed their training program but need to gain some hands-on experience to improve their likelihood of obtaining employment. Work experience is also for individuals who have the technical skills to execute the requirements of the position yet are experiencing roadblocks to employment which may be mitigated by obtaining current hands-on experience in that industry. To get into one of these programs you need to be referred to the program by Employers’ Training Resource. To begin that process you need to log-on to (link to ETR website) click on the ‘Orientation’ tab and follow the directions to register with CalJOBS and schedule an orientation time. Staff from Employers’ Training Resource will contact you to complete the process. If you experience any difficulties please contact the Career Resource Department (best way to contact CRD) and someone will assist you with the process.
Careers 4 Success
Career 4 Success is a paid work experience program consisting of $5,000 that may be earned by the participant paid work experience, work readiness, and academic enrichment. Careers 4 Success participants may be placed in a variety of occupations and worksites. Placements are made with considerations of English language skills, occupational skills, interest, transportation and child care.